Your detailed guide for mapping out the 2018 you desire to have. It's not too late to start now! 

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It is so refreshing to have jumped into this New Year and out of the old. This jump means that we get back to focusing on the important people in our lives, our goals and vision and ridding ourselves of any negative or toxic energy that surrounds us.

“How do I accomplish this necessary milestone?” you ask; Fear not, I’m here to walk with you into and through 2018. 2017 was as challenging as any of us could have imagined but if there’s one thing I’ve learned is that when you’re surrounded by people who care, the walk or the crawl becomes so much easier. I want you to know that I care about you and your dreams.

Who am I? My name is Charlie Ann St. Cyr, Founder of Girls With Roots and a firm believer in your limitless potential.

This year, we’re switching things up quite a bit at Girls With Roots and to kick it off, I want to introduce you to our plans for focus and intentional action. Each quarter, we at Girls With Roots will come together, plan and engage you surrounding a theme for that particular quarter.

This quarter (January – April) our focus is on BRAVERY.

With a new year, goals and resolutions, it is important that we face them with the tenacity and bravery of a lion and allow ourselves to claw at all we thought was unattainable last year and the years before then. Today is the day your life begins to change and I’m excited for you.