Labels are for containers; not for people
Stereotypes are usually inaccurate in their universal application. This means that although some individuals within a given group may fit a stereotype, others most certainly will not. The error in stereotyping is the application of a preconception to everyone who is perceived to belong to a particular group. Girls With Roots set out to bring attention to the stereotypes faced by many Caribbean women in attempt to break stereotypes one story at a time as through an online #IAMNOTMYSTEREOTYPE campaign.
It's common place for people to think that a College/University degree will get your where you need to be. Some women, though they were never presented with the opportunity are still very motivated and determined to make their life's stories end with success. They push hard and fight for their dreams.
Country: St. Vincent
Photographer: Patrick Hutchins

"Confidence and conceit are often confused, especially by those who posses the latter. Nevertheless, these two characteristics are distinct. We apply them to daily life in different ways and they uniquely impact the happiness of the individual and facilitate different levels of success in achieving goals. One fundamental difference between confidence and conceit is a steady belief in one's self -- versus a need to demonstrate superiority."
GWR: Esther Primus
Country: Trinidad
Photographer: Jammerson Hunte/CreedKool
"Quite often I'm asked questions like, "why are you dieting at 15?" Or "are you anorexic?" Or even "why are all models so skinny?" But never did they think that a skinny body is a healthy body, an active body and an attractive one. I may be skinny, but proud. I am me! I'm not anorexic."
GWR: Reesa Sooklall (of Traits Model Management)
Country: Guyana
Photographer: Junior Kennedy

I don't think people should have boundaries put on them, by themselves or society or another gender, because it's our birthright to experience life in whatever way we feel best suits us.
Country : Bequia
People often assume and say things like "She has money, she can pay for that!" Or, "Why can't she sponsor us? She has enough money. Owning a business does not automatically mean one is rich. It many instances, it simply means that the individual is doing what she can to provide for her family.
GWR: Narissa Hutchins
Country: Bequia
Photographer: Patrick Hutchins
People often assume that because of my accent, I can't speak English properly. Speaking two languages fluently is difficult and it is a blessing.
GWR: Cristal Pollard
Country: Trinidad/Venezuala
Photographer: Curtis Henry
People always assume that because I'm not the shy quirky nerd with glasses , I don't have a brain. I may not be your typical bookworm with conservative attire and introvert behaviour but I'm certainly not stupid. I don't have to look like I'm "smart" to be an intellectual. You can't take advantage of me , I have a brain. Stop judging by what you see.
GWR: Jessie DeFreitas
Country: Guyana
Photographer: Chontelle Sewett
t's time we stop judging people based on the texture of their hair and the clothes they wear!
GWR: Shanielle Briggs
Country: Trinidad
Photographer: Jammerson Hunte/CreedKool
"People often think that because I'm a model, I'm for sale. That's not so! The only thing I'm selling is a designer's clothing, not myself! Neither am I selling sex. Stop judging models based on opinions! I'M A MODEL, AND I'M NOT FOR SALE!"
GWR: Tiffani Bonner
Country: Guyana
Photographer: Junior Kennedy

"If I have 5 female friends I go out with regularly, I'm a normal out going girl, right? But when I have the same friendship with 5 male friends, that makes me promiscuous?"
GWR: Tamera DaSilva
Country: Guyana
Photographer: Chontelle Sewett — with Tamera DaSilva.
"For years glasses have been seen as uncool because it is equated with brains and not beauty. Glasses wearers are not nerdy bookworms or even socially awkward, we just have poor vision.
It makes me sad to know that some females are more insecure behind their spectacles and I suggest we embrace our stereotypes and be proud, especially since our vision is what's important."
GWR: Chontelle Sewett
Country: Guyana — with Chontelle Sewett.
"There are so many stereotypes, internet memes and jokes that label light skin women being 'stuck-up', conceited and just all-round negative people. It's very problematic because it has started a trend of people not wanting to come up to us or befriend us because they assume we will be our stereotypes and react by blowing them off or being rude. People who've gotten to know me often tell me that they assumed I'd be stuck-up. I've proved them all wrong. So, my advice is to get to know someone (everyone/anyone) before you judge them based on the exterior."
GWR: Tiffany Bazilio
Country: Guyana
Photographer: Curtis Henry — with Tiffany Bazilio.
Fashion is about dressing according to what is fashionable. Style is more about being yourself. Fashion may fade but personal style never does.
GWR: Tenille Clarke
Country: Tobago
Photography: Creedkool
"We all deal with being unfairly judged
GWR: Kellyann Latchman
Country: Guyana
Photographer: Chontelle Sewette

"People often think that because I'm a model, I'm for sale. That's not so! The only thing I'm selling is a designer's clothing, not myself! Neither am I selling sex. Stop judging models based on opinions! I'M A MODEL, AND I'M NOT FOR SALE!"
GWR: Tiffani Bonner
Country: Guyana
Photographer: Junior Kennedy
"You're pretty, why are you still single?"
"It's about time you find a man, get married and have kids."
"Yes, I may be at that age when women typically start families but I am willing to wait and not rush into a life changing situation which I may regret. I am happy being single and I'll also be happy when I finally find the right guy for me."
GWR: Tracy Simmons
Country: Bequia
Photographer: Patrick Hutchins — with Trachia Tracy Simmons.
Many times when I travel abroad, people always question me or look at me in disbelief when I tell them I am from Haiti. As if to say that Haitians have a distinct look and that I do not fall into that category. 'I am Haitian'.
Country: Haiti
D'Andre Wilson is a creative. She is in love with theatre, music and of course, makeup.
"People often assume that when girls wear makeup, they conceal their insecurities (no pun intended). Makeup for me, as cliched as it seems, is more of an art form. I see it as a fun and expressive way of enhancing my features while making me feel more fabulous!"
D'Andre occassioanlly shares beauty tips through her YouTube Channel:
GWR: D'Andre Wilson
Country: Trinidad
Photographer: Curtis Henry
— with D'Andre Wilson.

"Most people assume that because I am quiet/shy that I don't have valid opinions and that I would not be able to represent myself when this is not the case. People should not take my silence as a sign of complacency or weakness."
GWR: Adriana Daniels
Country: Guyana
Photographer: Chontelle Sewett
Photographer: Junior Kennedy
GWR: Delesa Archer
People often think because I model, I got my "style" of dressing from
modeling, they often say "Oh its because she models thats why she dresses
like that", this is like saying because it's a banana it has a yellow
color" I was who I am before I started to model and they seem to look past
that. I have my own style being a model did not give this to me!
Sadia Moore is a University Instructor. Her classes run between the hours of 8:00am – 8:35pm. She however manages to find the time to balance cooking and her work life. “Growing up in St Lucia, I spent much of my time with my Grandmother in the kitchen. I was always around to watch her cook and taste.”
Sadia recalls always asking many food-related questions to the elderly women with whom she came into contact. At the age of 10, she cooked her first meal which consisted of Dumplings, Lentils and Tuna Fish. “I felt so proud of myself then” she recalls.
A popular misconception is that professional women cannot cook or don’t cook but that is not everyone’s story…What is your story?
GWR: Sadia Moore
Country: St. Lucia
Photographer: Curtis H. Photography
— with Sadia Moore.